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What is the Better Ideas Team?

The Better Ideas Team was developed to enable people to take a “synergistic” approach to building a home based business, to allow them to flourish as consultants and to ensure the quickest path to positive cashflow. BETTER IDEAS TEAM In order to explain...

Mark Yarnell

On March 3rd, I heard the news that Mark Yarnell had passed away. Mark was one of the greatest advocates the network marketing industry has ever known and his loss has been felt all through the industry. A few years ago I became a distributor of Qivana – a...

What is More Important? Need or Want?

Many people have heard the clever Harvard generated sales idea that a person that is shopping for a drill doesn’t really want a drill, they want a hole. A good sales person therefore gets to know the hole the person wants so they can sell them the drill they...

When is a Business not a Business?

Recently, I had an online meeting with a couple of people. The meeting was prearranged and was meant to be about a project of mutual benefit. What happened instead was that I got fire hosed by a Guy relentlessly pitching me his business in an effort to get me to join...

What is The Professional Home Business Academy?

The Professional Home Business Academy was founded in October 2014. The Founders of the Academy have over sixty years combined experience in the Home Business Industry and have built organizations to the hundreds of thousands developing priceless experience on that...